Frequently Asked Questions
How much does it cost to join?
Club fees and payment options can be found on the payment page here.
How are club fees paid?
Payments can be made by check or cash to the coaches before or after practice. It can also be made to the club representative if present on site. Ask for receipt when paid in cash. Checks must be made to: Southern Strikers VBC or SSVBC.
Do you offer sibling discounts?
Yes, we are happy to offer your family a discount for multiple players. Please email Coach Tui directly at aimalefoa@yahoo.com for information.
What is the age requirement to play for SSVBC?
Our teams range from 12-18 years of age. They are assigned to teams based on USAV age classification.
How are teams selected?
Teams are selected by age, based on USAV age classification, and skills performance.
Can younger player play on another team, other than her age group?
Yes, but can only move up to older age group; older players cannot play in lower age group.
Note: This is based on coaches’ assessment, beneficial for player/team, discussion with parents, and approved by Club Director.
Where do you practice?
Our practice facility is located at 508 S. Pleasant Hill Rd., Warner Robins, GA 31088.
Are travel expenses included in club fees? What is included?
No, club fees cover: USAV membership, uniforms, tournament entry fees, gym maintenance, equipment, club picnic and administration cost. Coaches and Staff members are volunteers.
How do players get to events?
Parents are responsible for getting their daughters to tournament sites. Please check with your team parent to see if carpooling is an option. Players are not allowed to drive themselves to tournaments, unless parent is in the vehicle. Coaches are not allowed to provide transport for players, other than their own daughters. If, for reason, a coach must transport a player, another adult must be in the vehicle. Club Director must be notified immediately.
How long is the season?
Volleyball season is extremely active from November until April of each year. SSVBC expects to play first tournament on Jan 20 2018. Final tournament for all teams will be in Georgia World Congress Center, Hall C, Atlanta, GA (April 21 & 22).
How often are practices?
We hold practices two to three times per week.
Do all players get equal playing time in every tournaments?
Yes & No. Yes, they get playing time in every tournament. No, all players don’t get equal playing time. Playing time in tournament is “earned” through efforts in practice. However, coaches make every effort to ensure all players get playing time.
How many tournaments does SSVBC play?
SSVBC will play 8 to 10 tournaments before the finals. All teams play the same number of tournaments.